The Circus

There was an uptown circus

with a magic tale

who set foot in the 16th century

with a pair of sails.


Heard they crossed the ocean far and wide

but lost some of their cronies in the tide

sad and dismayed were the rest of the crew

but forgot their sorrows as the time flew.


Exterior united, interior fragmentized

only a few knew of the incident that was all politicized

“The throne” the enemies believed for long to have possessed indestructible power

but no one could know the truth,

because for everyone but the general it was debarred.


A plan was concocted to dethrone the general

don’t worry boys and girls,

it is not the throne from your popular GOT fable.


Under the gleam of the moon

they disturbed the railing of the deck

where the general smoked and leaned every night, after also taking a peg.


The bait was ready

and the fish announced “im going to the deck”

the general fell into the water

and the plan was a success.


Fearlessly they marched to claim the treasure around which the hype was caused

but a fight quickly followed

turning them from friends to foes.


The throne sat in it’s own aura and greed lit up in all eyes

“who will sit first to taste the power?” they had forgot to decide

no winner was declared from that bloody fight

team unity was lost in the attempt to feed their inner vice.


The ship sunk and so did the throne

power lay beneath the blue waters,

in a land to the many, unknown.


Their blindness for supremacy took all their lives

funny, ladies and gentlemen doesn’t this story sound a bit relatable in your minds?


21st century is the time we’re living in

but it seems politics is still trying dirty tricks from it’s barbaric bin

for that throne is now the PM’s chair

to which only the masterminds have made it battling and winning the unspoken, hidden political warfare.


The Circle


A circle is a simple shape that we use unknowingly in innumerable ways in our day-to-day lives. We create circles around an important piece of information to help us focus on it. We create circles to add value to just a number. We create circles as a halo above God. We create circles to separate unwanted things. We create circles to depict a failure. We create circles to illustrate victory.

Circles have been institutionalized in myriad ways since humans learned to read and write. But why has nobody questioned the intransigency of a circle?

We use a circle as a boundary to declare authority and mordantly design lines across things to suit ourselves. We’ve used circles to categorize things into what our society approves and are sadly hardwired to follow it.



Remember the concept of “sets” that was first introduced to us in our math classes? Well, basically a set by definition is a collection of distinct objects for example, colours, numbers, cars, names, et cetera. A set is also separated into specific sets of anything that we want to create a category of to solve the equation. And how is a set diagrammatically represented? A circle. But why do we have to separate things? Why can’t we let them gel together? Why can’t we let them be what they are?

I’d like to draw an analogy here to our school days. We all have during our school years come across situations where our “guides” tried to mould us into exemplifiers of the definition of “good children”, only later to be realized by me that there is no “real” definition. I was baffled a little bit then because on one side my teacher told me that good children always secure full marks in tests but my parents still said “good job” even when I scored less.

I was lost, misguided, peer pressured to do things and was making meaningless efforts because like the rest, I was inevitably put in the race to reach the denouement where I would be told whether I was a good child or not, a winner or a loser. Gradually it dawned upon me, the harsh reality of it. I had started losing myself somewhere amongst those attempts to perfectly satisfy the definitions laid by both teachers and parents. I was incarcerated within the circle of propriety that is actually subjective but ostensibly, believed by the people around me, as objective. When the primal question should have been what kind of a person we’d want to become, it was in some cases already chosen for us or in some lucky ones, a category given of approved societal choices to choose from.

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Please listen to Calvin everyone

After wasting some years of my life, living someone else’s definition of myself, I decided to de-categorize things and be nothing but – me. And by far that’s the best decision I’ve made.

Coming back to the “circle” that is also like a ring of fire, a bit different ofcourse. Here, we use it daily to construct a wall around things, leaving behind unwanted “residue” of objects/humans/feelings that we don’t want in tandem or a group or have a biased against. A bit like forming stereotypes that in psychology mean, “a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.” We use these to manipulate our actions and behavior differently for each stereotype that we know of. We give the society, the power to form our opinions instead of allowing ourselves the freedom to experience and find out.


Stereotyping has been part of our civilization way too long as a guiding principle to behave in a certain manner towards things. The “set” theory is based on the same principle above which means it leaves behind things that we THINK don’t fit together.

While categorizing stuff we lose out on the opportunity of trying something different, maybe infusing our energies together and experiencing something great. Or even if our energies are repelled, a lesson follows.

While growing up chronologically and mentally we create a maelstrom in the minds of people on whom we impose our definitions of an ideal person.

But there is nothing such as an ideal person!



We’re all so diverse in our ways and cognitive abilities that assigning an ideal person for everyone is an impractical concept created by bigoted minds. The only thing that we can be is ourselves and that’s extremely pivotal.

In our desperate efforts to turn the people we have an authority over like children, into a picture that fits our “circle” of opinion, in reality, backfires and makes them handicapped in the remotest things of regular life. Why? Because we never allowed them to know themselves! We never gave them the permission to recognize their fears, discover their goals, make mistakes, to handle their failures and wander alone uncovering new things about themselves without our instructions. We never “approved” of what THEY wanted to do because the society doesn’t endorse unconventional things and apparently that’s more important than the quality of humans we might end up creating.

There’s no easy way out of this labyrinth. It will require us to retrospect and learn about something out of the realm of that circle we’ve drawn inside us, a step away from our comfort zone. And that step is something a very few of us are willing to take, breaking the notions. A child or any other human for that matter is not a robot that needs a code to make every choice but is emotionally available to like or dislike a thing according to his/her own taste. The kid who got straight As in his report card, the kid who got into the world’s best college, the kid who is an all rounder, the kid who wins all competitions and so on, we’ve all been compared to these “sets” created by the society as standard indexes of excellence. But a majority of us have found ourselves placed outside of these clichéd sets; because we’re unique and certain indicators of success cannot be the only definition of the capabilities that billions of people possess.


These circles house our prejudices that later culminate into behemoths of xenophobia, nativism, cynicism, et cetera and then forcing it on others causes harm in the process. The practice of shaping up kids in accordance with the restricted vistas of the society is like a loop inside a “circle”, a perpetual process. It’s an unfortunate ring of fire where they’re forced to suffocate under the reeks of ordeals of unscripted real life because they come in terms with the harsh truth that there is no common solution code for every problem. That their “guides” cannot help solve every hurdle by following some line of instructions because some battles are meant to be fought alone. But again unfortunately, here we are in the 21st century, still living in that barbaric circle, still idolizing the devastated victor of that “ring of fire”, still following the herd mentality, still becoming the target of someone else’s definition of our self and still coveting their hollow victory.

The Hero-Villain Dichotomy


Which one would you choose?

“You are not special. You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We’re all part of the same compost heap. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.” A hero needs constant acts of villainy to bring out the savior in him. An idea of villainy is the rejection of the laid vistas of the society because right from childhood, we are socially conditioned to be good. Therefore, such recalcitrant acts rejecting the herd mentality are a greater celebration of the conscious and power of human will.

Nevertheless, I would choose to be the villain in a movie because I believe that after his/her journey of sufferings a villain comes out steadier and stronger in conviction. He/she knows what they want from life and at this stage in my life maybe that is something I need to be. To measure a hero’s heroism depends on the size of villain’s villainous intent. A hero will always require a villain, an inseparable match even though the former being more contingent.



ras al ghul

Ra’s Al Ghul with the League of Shadows in DC Comics

Ra’s Al Ghul, a brilliant mastermind and prognostic of pandemonium, disregards heroes and considers them unnatural (disrupting the natural balance of the world) is an ultimate villain from the Batman series. Ra’s is a master of subtleties and fanatical fabricator of gimmicks that lures people into the League of Shadows, an organization headed by him that is a testimony of his incredible leadership skills and plans. His perpetual decrepit human behavior is credited to former sufferings he came across in his journey. Therefore a villain reflects much clarity and concept, a firm believer in his ideology refuting any and every thought of confusion. This rejection of dilemma by him makes him more admirable and idealistic than a hero who is mostly a product of his own genes and circumstances. For instance, Batman was torn between the choice of whether to save the love of his life (Rachel) or the hero of Gotham (Harvey) in “The Dark Knight”. Thus, a villain can be a John Doe, in other words anyone can aspire to be a villain and actually become one but to be hero requires you to be a metahuman, affluent like Batman, a fancy costume, popularity among the bourgeoisie, et cetera.

“Dulce Et Decorum Pro Patria Mori” is a line from Wilfred Owen’s poem “Dulce Et Decorum”, which means “it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s own country”. Owen ridicules, a WWI propagandist who tells young children craving for some glory that it is heroic to die in a battlefield whereas the reality is absolutely the contrary. Therefore, this also proves how heroism is not always a display of herculean, supernatural beams but a gruesome, brutal reality as well.

The “hero-villain” dichotomy is majorly about perspectives, a duality found in every human. They are constructions; not real. The superheroes have been done and overdone. Dramatized! Its time to maybe trivialize them and try the shoes (or cape) of, what I like to call him, a super villain.

The Travel Series #3



Device: Nexus 5

We’re all human and therefore making a choice is hard. We’re curious to know what lies ahead of us, our unconscious attempts to control our own fate. In order to choose the best one, we weigh out the pros and cons of each choice and our expectancy of the outcome it’ll produce. Pondering over the minutest detail, we ultimately choose one, only later to know the contingent consequences thus leading us back to square one…

The Travel Series #2

Device: Nexus 5 1452515388320.jpg

The perspective of the world is completely different from the inside. It blurs out the opportunites that could have been availed by you had you been on the other side of that window you’re peeking through.

Debarring yourself and siting limitations on your own cognitive approach and body is a sin that will stagnate your own growth. The wings of the plane are your own pinions when you free yourself from the chains of a monotonous life, a step towards exploring your own self.

The Travel Series #1

Hey guys!

I’m going to begin a series of pictures i clicked on my various trips to let you have an insight into what I see as a traveller.

(Also showing off some photography skills but that’s secondary ok dont judge)

Im going to begin with the latest! Took this one while returning from Delhi.

Device : Nexus 51452152891179 Leave behind your envies, worries and fears to explore your own dimensions at an unknown land of opportunities.

Buy that damn plane ticket already!

Terribly Tiny Tale #1

My first attempt at a TTT!


World’s best debater. No question could ever shut him up.

She stood up from the crowd and asked “what makes you nervous?”

Just fallen into the deep pit of love, for the first time in his life- he was speechless.

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled

This is the essay i wrote for a competition by the UN. It’s pretty lengthy i know but happy reading! 🙂


Plutarch, a Greek historian,biographer and essayist

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled”.This quote by Plutarch clearly sends across the message that how bondage can lead to close to nothing. Bondage of any kind is detrimental to the communities at a whole and to oneself in particular. Even though some advocates of pedantic approaches to education and mugging up of things be against such a cause but these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology.

The mind is a complex system of dynamic thought processes and storage of everything that we literally count on. History has been witness to the fact that a pedantic approach to things has never led to any substantial achievement. It’s about being rich in quality and not quantity. What a shame it would be when struggling in a quandary, one is unable to use the things inside the vessel but only know how to fill it?

Restricting one’s mind to only one monotonous task of filling and gaining knowledge is plain wastage of the resources that the mind is absorbing. The roots work to absorb all kinds of nutrients and water from the soil that leads to the growth of the plant. While the mind if treated as a vessel will not lead to any growth of the person. This analogy clearly states how without growth there is no progress. One may be the most proficient person present in a room of sea of people but who will come to know about the vast stretches of your knowledge until and unless we share it?

To say, knowledge should be spread like wild fire. Burning the minds in its way with its incredulity and power. According to the psychologist Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosexual stages, Generativity is better than self-absorption. That is to say that helping individuals with one’s knowledge and guidance is a very good deed.

Experience has always been a great weapon against failure. And here ladies and gentlemen, the biggest culprit of all is– fear. In the words of J.K. Rowling “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.” 90% of the people in this world are atychiphobic. In articulate speech so as to say they suffer from the fear of failure. The fears that we are most scared of are the ones we’ve created ourselves. We fear that if we do not gain enough knowledge we shall fail in some aspect or other, or we’ll be part of the unintellectual bourgeoisie. We fear that of we do not gain enough knowledge we’ll be scoffed. We fear that if we share our knowledge with someone we might become victims of infidelity. “The wise speaks less” is a famous saying that is followed by many but in the very wrong sense. Since the tender age of 2 years or 3 years we all are taught, “sharing is caring”. It’s absolutely gobsmacking how the same saying doesn’t apply to our lives anymore.

Education is a weapon that has the power to bring a change in this world. It may be an ordinary word for some people but I beg to differ. In this dynamic world, we need to be equipped with the necessary skills and hard work to survive. Understanding the education system is integral to allow students to understand the purpose of studying, the purpose of going to school everyday. Stuffing up of tortuous information inside your brain is what mostly we do today. Learning is only and only useful when it is applied. In this materialistic world where everyone is in a constant race to reach the finish line, it is absolutely imperative to use your knowledge in the right way at the right time.

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” This quote is a perfect illustration of how curiosity is the answer to a lot of questions. So ladies and gentlemen, what I really want to put forward here is the importance of curiosity, to question things, to find reasons, to look for answers. The fire of knowledge and reasoning burning in our mind is the result of the fuel known as curiosity. Ask the questions no one ever asked and look for the answers no one ever found.

In my opinion, education consists of more than just knowledge. From Kindergarden to University, students are put through the daily routine of waking up early in the morning, going to a place where teachers teach “the same old stuff”. By that, I am referring to knowledge. Knowledge is power, you might say. Indeed, being knowledgeable helps you stand out among the rest during the tests and examinations. But is that all about education ?Acing the tests and getting a degree? I’m afraid no.

So folks, its time we widen our horizon and let our minds inculcate knowledge until they burn with that fire to do something. Do not pin down the eagle pinion and break the vessel to let the water flow beautifully enriching your life and others. Thus in a nut shell, the presupposition that mind is a vessel not to be filled but a fire to be kindled is a categorical truth. I rest my case.








Squandering time contemplating life #1

It is definitely one of most horrible feelings to know that you lost something that you didn’t want to. Okay lets be frank, who wants to lose anything? Ranging from the small things in life like competitions, a chocolate, your favorite pair of jeans, your stationary in school (it’s really annoying seriously) to the big things in life like your friend, your dog, your trust on someone, your respect for someone or sometimes maybe your own too, your heart and your life. These multitude of things make up your daily life don’t you think? Maybe not all but some are experienced by one and all.

In the context of the small things, we easily tend to forget them. But in the context of big things, its never easy. We dwell on such things and hold on to their strings, tightly. We create a mess out of everything eventually gaining nothing out of it.

But then there is good in everything isn’t it? We try to associate all of that to one of the most underestimated saying “Everything happens for a reason”. Well atleast i believe in that saying tbh sometimes only though. Well, as teenagers drama is something which we come across every single day and to deal with it we fall back upon on a lot of defense mechanisms. The hardest part of the saying “everything happens for a reason” is waiting for the reason to come along. But i guess it eventually does and then we realize where the hell i wasted all my time at! So i guess we all need to chill a little (those who know me will say this “says the person who mostly doesn’t” lol guys i know you) and call it a day because you won’t help me pass my exams except if you’re my teacher then ma’am ily.

Sorry for ending on such a random note .

P.S. idk why i wrote this post but as they say do whatever makes you happy. 😊